At the Katowice Book Fair 2024, independent publishers, authors, and cultural representatives from Belarus were present. The organization of the booth and program under the format of the Independent Belarusian Publishers’ Salon continues the participation of Free Belarus as the Special Guest at the Katowice Book Fair 2023. This initiative aims to showcase the current independent Belarusian publishing scene to the wider fair audience and deepen cooperation with representatives of the Polish publishing community. The Salon was co-organized by the Belarusian Book Institute and the History and Culture Foundation.


Friday, 8 November 2024,4:00-4:50 PM, Forum A

Belarus and the Specters of the Wild Hunt – a meeting with Andrei Khadanovich. Presentation of the book “The Wild Hunt of King Stakh. Poems for the Opera” (published by Gutenberg Publisher)
Meeting in Polish

“Беларусь і прывіды дзікага палявання”. Сустрэча з Андрэем Хадановічам. Прэзентацыя кнігі “Дзікае паляванне караля Стаха. Вершы да оперы” (выд.
Gutenberg Publisher)

Saturday, 9 November 2024, 5:00-5:50 PM, Forum A

Where Are You Going, Wolf? – A conversation between Joanna Bernatowicz and the author Sviatlana Kurs (Ewa Wieżnawiec) about the Polish edition of the Belarusian bestseller
Meeting in Polish

“Па што ідеш, воўча?” Размова Яаны Бэрнатовіч пра польскае выданне беларускага бэстсэлера з аўтаркай Святланай Курс (Ева Вежнавец)


Participants of the Salon of Independent Belarusian Publishers included: Foundation

The Foundation was established in June 2018, with its primary mission being the expansion of the collections of the Belarusian online library of the same name, The Foundation also focuses on supporting activities related to culture, education, science, local governance, and the identity of the Belarusian minority in Poland. It promotes knowledge about Belarus in Poland and other EU countries. The online library run by the Foundation,, is the largest Belarusian online library globally, hosting over 55,000 publications, including books, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, and radio and TV broadcasts.

Following the unprecedented repression by the regime against Belarusian culture in 2020, the Foundation also began publishing, starting with the novel Gai Ben Hinnom by a prominent Belarusian writer in November 2021.
In 2022-2023, reissued several original works by Uladzimir Arlov, including the legendary prose collection The Order of the White MouseDances Over the City (winner of the Belarusian Jerzy Giedroyc Award), Her Majesty’s Lover (a selection of historical prose), and Independence Is… (the title essay was translated into nearly 30 languages), along with the poetry collection Ferry Across the English Channel (honored with the “European Poet of Freedom” award in Gdańsk).

Noteworthy is the publication of (Un)shot, co-produced with the Belarusian Council of Culture. This monumental work presents 18 Belarusian writers executed by the NKVD in Minsk on the night of October 29-30, 1937.

Additionally, has published numerous poetry and prose books and continues releasing titles from the “Library of the Homeland” series, showcasing achievements of the Belarusian émigré community. In 2024, three books have already been published: Kill the Deputy Minister by Zmicier Bartosik, Soldiers of the BNR by Oleg Łatyszonek, and The Book of Cemeteries, a monograph on Belarusian burial sites in exile.Presentations of books published by the Foundation with authors’ participation have taken place in various cities in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, attracting significant interest from the Belarusian diaspora.

Mianie Niama

This independent publisher focuses on contemporary Belarusian literature, including poetry, prose, and essays. Their motto is “Belarusian literature without limits and censorship.”
Publications include:

  • Valancin Akudovič, I Am Not Here [Мяне няма]
  • Siarhiej Kraŭčenka, Left on the Train [Забыть в электричке]

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Nakładem wydawnictwa ukazały się książki:
Valancin Akudovič Mnie nie ma [Мяне няма],
Siarhiej Kraŭčenka Zostawić w pociągu [Забыть в электричке].

Adres: Warszawa


This Warsaw-based publisher offers children’s literature in Belarusian.
Bestsellers include:

  • The Little Cat Who Loves to Cuddle [Каток-пестунок], a collection of poems and folk poetry, illustrated by Nadzia Buka, selected by Vasil Drańko-Majsiuk.
  • Jana Volska, Ashukanki [Ашуканкі], humorous tales for children, illustrated by Lavon Volski.
  • Todar Klasztorny, About the Hare, the Wolf, and the Bear [Пра зайца, ваўка і мядзьведзя], a fairytale illustrated by Kaciaryna Sciażko, restoring the work of an author executed in 1937.

Instagram: slowianka_books
+48 790 870 111
al.Jerozolimskie 53
00-697-Warsaw, Poland

Januškevič Publishing, Knihaūka Publishing

The “Januškevič” publishing house was founded in 2014. From the outset, its mission has focused on publishing non-fiction books and maintaining readers’ interest in historical topics, particularly the fate of Belarus and reflections on its place in the modern world.

Currently, the publishing house’s offerings also include fiction and educational literature. Its goal is to invest in raising the level of knowledge and reading culture in Belarusian society, while fostering open dialogue with neighboring countries and other nations.

Over the last ten years, “Januškevič” has published around 200 titles, including bestsellers that have received literary awards in Belarus. In its work, the publisher emphasizes high-quality printing and graphic design for its books.

Embracing new technologies, “Januškevič” was one of the first in Belarus to develop the local e-book market, establishing the first Belarusian site for their distribution —, which was unfortunately shut down by the Lukashenko regime.

The founder of the publishing house, Andrei Yanushkevich, was honored with the “Merit for Polish Culture” distinction for publishing Polish works translated into Belarusian.

In 2023, due to political repression against independent publishers, the company relocated to Poland and was registered as “Andrei Yanushkevich Publishing.” New books are now released under the brands “Januškevič” and “Knihaŭka.” A physical bookstore was opened in Warsaw at Kłopotowskiego 4, and an online store is also available at

hochroth Minsk

Specializing in contemporary Belarusian poetry.
Contact:, +49 162 9518502 (Berlin, Germany)

Skaryna Press

A London-based publisher offering Belarusian literature, poetry, non-fiction, and translations.
Publications include:

  • Illa Kaminski, Republic of the Deaf [Рэспубліка глухіх]
  • Vacłaŭ Łastoŭski, Linguistic Works [Мовазнаўчыя працы]


Czabor publishing

Offering Belarusian books.
Location: Warsaw

Gutenberg Publisher

This Kraków-based publisher offers fiction, non-fiction, children’s literature, and board games by Belarusian authors.
Popular titles include:

  • Sasza Filipienka, The Ex-Son [Былы сын], The Cremulator [Крэмулятар]
  • Who Lives in the Garage [Хто жыве ў гаражы], a book for young readers

ul.Łobzowska 15-15
tel. +48 510034234

A public task funded by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Poland as part
of the “Public Diplomacy 2024” competition

Nazwa zadania: „Mosty Literackie 2024 – Salon Wydawców Ukraińskich oraz Salon Niezależnych Wydawców Białoruskich na największych targach książki w Polsce”
Projekt finansowany z budżetu państwa w ramach konkursu Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych RP „Dyplomacja Publiczna 2024”
Całkowita wartość finansowania: 160 000,00 zł
„Mosty Literackie 2024” to projekt obejmujący organizację Salonu Wydawców Ukraińskich i Salonu Niezależnych Wydawców Białoruskich na Międzynarodowych Targach Książki w Warszawie w dniach 23-26 maja 2024 r. w Pałacu Kultury i Nauki i Targach Książki w Katowicach w dniach 8-10 listopada 2024 r. w Międzynarodowym Centrum Kongresowym. Program Salonów obejmuje: stoiska wystawiennicze i wydarzenia towarzyszące z udziałem wydawców, autorów i przedstawicieli środowisk literackich oraz działania promocyjne. Projekt służy wzmacnianiu współpracy i dialogu w obszarze kultury, literatury, wsparcia demokratycznych dążeń i jest kontynuacją wystąpień Ukrainy w charakterze Gościa Honorowego na Międzynarodowych Targach Książki w Warszawie w 2023 roku oraz Wolnej Białorusi w roli Gościa Specjalnego Targów Książki w Katowicach w 2023 roku.